• Blog,  For Mothers

    Why do I feel so depressed?

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem It’s been awhile since I’ve posted here. I’ve been busy with a lot of stuff and I do miss writing here. I have a few posts on interesting topics that I’ve started. But somehow, it’s always so hard to finish them. However, right at this moment, on…

  • For Mothers,  Parenting

    How to Protect our Children from Immorality

    One of the most worrying things that are happening now is the widespread of immorality. Afterall, these are from the signs of the Hour. And perhaps, the worst one yet is knowing how the people who have ascribed themselves with the LGBTQ+ are actively pushing their ideologies almost everywhere. So…

  • Ummi's notes

    What does research say about screen time?

    Findings on TV exposure Exposure to certain types of television is related to: poor school readiness and performance (Fitzpatrick,Barnett, & Pagani, 2012)  attention difficulties (Swing, Gentile, Anderson, & Walsh, 2010) lower vocabulary scores (Zimmerman, Christakis, & Meltzoff, 2007) Impaired social skills (Conners- Burrow, McKelvey, & Fussell, 2011) Impact of TV…

  • Ummi's notes

    Teaching Qur’an to Children below 7

    I found these notes in one of my personal documents and I can’t remember where I got them from. But nonetheless, they are beneficial and effective as I have tried most of them with my own kids so here it is. 1- Listening Let them listen to the Quran at…

  • Ummi's notes

    Why Homeschool? | The Islamic Perspective

    These notes are taken from a lecture The Freedom of Homeschooling by Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble.   How this will benefit you This sharing is for ALL muslim parents to consider the benefits of homeschooling Even if we don’t homeschool fully, we can still use the tools of homeschooling to…

  • For Mothers,  Parenting

    The first step of Islamic Upbringing

    Don’t you just wish that we can just send our children to the ‘ulama (scholars) just like how imam Malik’s mother did, or like Ummu Salamah who sent Anas to Rasulullah (salallahu alaihi wasalam). However, not all of us have that kind of opportunity. But let’s not get stuck with…