The Role of Adults in Children’s Learning- How children learn
I remembered the first book that I’ve read on homeschooling. It read, “ Babies are not blobs.” In other words, from the moment they are born, they are ready, able, and eager to learn. Their brains and bodies are designed to absorb and process the world around them, making the…
Building Emotional Intelligence in Kids: What Every Parent Should Know
Parenting is one of the most rewarding yet challenging roles that we’ll ever have. We often focus on teaching our kids how to potty, their ABCs and 123s. But one of the most important things to pass on is how to understand and manage their emotions. This is what building…
Why do I feel so depressed?
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem It’s been awhile since I’ve posted here. I’ve been busy with a lot of stuff and I do miss writing here. I have a few posts on interesting topics that I’ve started. But somehow, it’s always so hard to finish them. However, right at this moment, on…
5 reasons why you are constantly triggered by your kids | By Healed Upbringing
“Is There Something Wrong With Me?” Whether at home or outside, there is no denying that handling your kids’ tantrums or helping them calm down can be a nerve-wrecking. Either your kids will take it well and understand your words, or they will cry and breakdown, making you feel even…
How to Protect our Children from Immorality
One of the most worrying things that are happening now is the widespread of immorality. Afterall, these are from the signs of the Hour. And perhaps, the worst one yet is knowing how the people who have ascribed themselves with the LGBTQ+ are actively pushing their ideologies almost everywhere. So…
The first step of Islamic Upbringing
Don’t you just wish that we can just send our children to the ‘ulama (scholars) just like how imam Malik’s mother did, or like Ummu Salamah who sent Anas to Rasulullah (salallahu alaihi wasalam). However, not all of us have that kind of opportunity. But let’s not get stuck with…
Going Umrah while pregnant and with a toddler?
Going to umrah while quite heavily pregnant with a toddler was one of the things that I never thought I would ever do, but alhamdulillah I was blessed with such an opportunity. It has its share of challenges, and so I hope to share some tips with mothers like me…
Teach your children manners first | Islamic Parenting
Someone left a comment on one of my posts and asked a question: How do we teach our children Islam since young? Do we start with Islamic knowledge and then academics? Or both at the same time? I will be completely honest. I am not the person anyone should be…
Saying “no” to our kids | The Islamic Perspective
The issue of saying no to our kids. Have you ever heard or read about child development experts who say that we shouldn’t tell our kids “no”? Rather, we should try our best to say yes to them. Or if we should really say no, we shouldn’t. For example, instead…
How to speak about our child’s weakness | An inspiring story
What would we do when our child has a flaw that is apparent. Most importantly, how should we speak about our child’s weakness? Words are so powerful. I think you would already know that, especially when it comes to the things that we say to our children. After all, the…